We stopped by a small village that had a generator and a satellite dish. In addition one person had a chain saw. We were told that the boards that you see in the pictures were cut with only the chain saw. There was no band saw or planner. Pretty straight cutting with a chain saw. Some kids followed us as we hiked out to view a large Kapok tree. The first photo shows a young local girl reaching for a cocoa pod. They grow wild in the jungle. The kids have access to many pods/fruits etc. Once the cocoa pod is broken open, the seeds, which are bitter until processed, are covered with a custard type of covering. You suck off the custard covering which is very tasty. We also ran into a group of leaf cutting ants and some other small critters. The two turtles, probably pets for a short period of time, will become a meal at some point. It started to rain rather heavily by the time we got back to the boat.
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© David L. Shogren Photography